For many Australians, air conditioning units are a necessity for a comfortable home environment in a variable climate. However, climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic are changing the way we live, with more focus on environmental sustainability and soaring energy costs. Attention is also being drawn to finding ways to improve air quality in the home as Australian homeowners face increased bushfires in recent years.
Recent studies have highlighted the importance of recognising the way Australians use air conditioning units. The experts agree that some changes need to happen. Social scientist, Dr. Strengers says, “We’ve got to stop thinking about heating and cooling, and we’ve got to start thinking about healthy and safe air…because it’s all something we’re going to need.”
Due to the pandemic and increased exposure to toxic bushfire fumes, consumers are raising the question around improving ventilation in the home. This means looking at a different way of using energy to improve the health and safety of air in homes.
A CSIRO study has revealed that climate change is responsible for the increased surface area affected by bushfires in Australia. An increase of up to 800%! With this boom of bushfires in recent years, Australians are being faced with the prospect of increased toxicity in the air. And, homeowners are searching for ways to improve ventilation in their homes for better quality air.
Dr. Strengers goes on to say that “Exposure to the toxic bushfire smoke and an increased concern about ventilation are impacting the way consumers use energy, as we think more about keeping out air that might harm us.”
Manufacturers and distributors of air conditioning units are coming up with solutions, shifting the way you use heating and cooling units while putting less strain on energy generation. Products such as Solatube’s bush fire rated Solar Roof Ventilation system are being recommended for homes that get too hot while putting less strain on your HVAC system.
The trick here is to maintain your home’s indoor climate at a comfortable level while keeping energy costs down when using a HVAC unit. This is where roof ventilation can play a vital and efficient role.
With more awareness around sustainability and finding eco-friendly solutions to heating, cooling and ventilating the home, Australians are tapping into solar-powered products. Using a solar-powered roof ventilator is an energy-efficient solution that many eco-conscious homeowners are having installed in their homes.
Solatube’s Solar Star roof ventilator has the following benefits:
Roof ventilation installation is one way of responding to Dr. Strengers’ argument that, “We need to be thinking about ways to provide cooling in homes that don’t draw down (or increase) demand on the grid.”
Roof ventilation drives heat out of your roof, replacing it with cooler air. The advantage of removing hot air from your roof cavity is that moisture build-up is minimised, and the whole house becomes cooler too. Roof vents, fans, and stacks are some of the ways this ventilation process takes place. To make it cost-effective and environmentally friendly, you want to install products that operate on solar panels.
By keeping your home cooler in hot summer months through the use of a solar roof ventilator, you’re reducing the strain on your air conditioning unit. This means lower energy bills at the end of the month. Also, there’s less chance of your HVAC unit breaking down at the most inopportune times resulting in costly repair bills.
Gregor Verbic from Sydney University’s Centre for Future Energy Networks, said the following about home designs, “Open-planned designs – which are increasingly common – can make cooling homes harder. House designs also often fail to maximise things like cross breezes and other forms of ventilation.”
Roof ventilation also means you don’t have to shut your home completely during the hot months while using an air conditioning unit to keep your indoor space cool and fresh. And they’re a simple form of ventilation that would work efficiently in all house designs.
Increasing concerns for healthy and safe air in Australian homes and commercial buildings is rising. Consumers are searching for cost-effective and eco-friendly products to mitigate the risk of the pandemic and bushfire smoke toxicity while heating and cooling their homes. Contact our team at Solatube Home to find out how roof ventilation can change the way you use energy for healthier and safer air.